januar, 2018

V sklopu projekta Erasmus+ NET-ENT je razpisan odprt natečaj za oblikovanje znaka projekta. Besedilo razpisa je v angleščini, saj je eden od ciljev mednarodnih projektov tudi razumevanje strokovnih izrazov v angleščini.
Rok oddaje najboljših 3 izdelkov v sklopu SŠOF je 12. janu ar 2018, kar pomeni, da mentorji zberejo izdelke do 8. januarja, komisija SŠOF pa jih oceni do 12. januarja in najvišje 3 ocenjene odda v za to namenjen dropbox za mednarodno ocenjevanje.

Besedilo natečaja:



Five European partner schools working together in the Erasmus+ project NET-ENT call for tender for the development of a logo and visual identity, representing the project NET-ENT. The aim of the tender is to make the project recognizable at the participating schools and in the general public.


The aim of the tender is the development of the project logo and graphic design. The logo must incorporate the assets of the project, i.e. networking for entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary module of education (marketing/design/production) as well as career prospects, team-work, partnership, communication and also creativity, aesthetics.

The final design has to reflect the NET-ENT acronym and words networking for entrepreneurshipand could also include a pictorial symbol.
Participants have to make combinations of some of the elements mentioned above.


All students from NET-ENT partner schools or other partner schools can participate in the tender. The call for tender will be published on the project official web site and on the respective school web sites.

Conditions for design variations:

students have to submit a logo in colour and black-and-white (or grayscale) variation of the graphic design

students should try to make their logos as professionally as possible, so it is advisable that they make their logos developed in vector shape, define typefaces and fonts, define printing colours and electronic models (CMYK in RGB).

students designing the logo must bare in mind versatility of the logo – it must be easily applied to t-shirts, fabrics, paper, it should look good in e.g. the size of 2cm and 40cm as well, so submission have to contain from 2 to 4 of possibly applications in colour

participants should submit a short written argumentation of their designs in a text document, if possible along side with information concerning the programme they used, fonts, typefaces and any other relevant facts

one author can submit several designs

the file with the logo must be signed in accordance with this scheme:


If several logos are created by 1 person a number will be added at the end.

Evaluation criteria:

recognisability of the basic aims 10 points

uniqueness of design and originality 10 points

visual impact, aesthetics 10 points

all-around applicability 10 points

memorability of the design 10 points

The maximum number of points is 50. The student with the highest number of points will be the winner. If two or more students get the same number of points, the committee will select one of its own accord by voting.

When grading, written argumentations will also be taken into consideration.

The committee will issue a report about the grading of the designs.

Evaluation and choosing the project logo:

Evaluation will be carried out in 2 stages- school voting and international voting.

School stage

At the beginning of December students of each of partnership schools will submit their ready works to the local coordinator of the project. Afterwards, a jury composed of 3 teachers and 2 students will evaluate the submitted works applying the point criteria mentioned above (in point 5). They must choose up to 3 the best works.

International stage

Until January 12th school stage will have been completed in all partnership countries and the local project coordinators will have sent the maximum of 3 best logos to the dropbox file.

Then again a jury composed of 2 students and 3 teachers will vote for the best designs applying the point criteria as in the school stage. However, they will not be allowed to grade the logos from their own country.

The stage finishes on 19th January. Until then local coordinator will have completed a table with their points in the dropbox file.

The project coordinator will be responsible for counting all points and the winner will be announced on the 20th January.


Students who have been awarded the first three places get a diploma for having participated in the international tender for the Erasmus+ project NET-ENT. The committee can also decide to give the winning students a special prize.


The author of the winning design has moral rights and will be named in the impressum on the project webpage. Since the project does not provide for money compensation, the author of the winning design cannot claim it. All the participants agree to use the winning logo solely for the purposes of the project and the presentations of the project even after its termination. The winning design must not be used outside the project. The non-winning designs can also be used inside the project and when presenting the project. The authors of the non-winning designs also have moral rights and their names should be listed when using their solutions.


Those participating in the project fully agree with all the rules and provisions of this tender.

Additional information:

For additional information please contact Saša Vitežnik Jelen, project coordinator from SŠOF Ljubljana,, orany local coordinator of the partnership countries.”