
28. 6. 2021


Spodnje meje 2. kroga:

  • tehnik oblikovanja: točke iz ocen: 143
  • umetniška gimnazija – likovna smer: točke iz ocen: 152, točke iz ocen treh predmetov: 40
  • fotografski tehnik: točke iz ocen: 140

Kandidati, ki so sprejeti na našo šolo, lahko danes, 29. 6. 2021,  in jutri, 30.6 2021, med 8.00 in 13.00 prevzamejo sklep o sprejetju in ostalo dokumentacijo.

Kandidati, ki so razvrščeni na druge šole, morajo osebno prevzeti svojo prijavo, najkasneje do 30. 6. 2021 med 8.00 in 13.00, in jo prenesti na šolo, na katero so sprejeti.

With a reestablished and extremely amazing business sector pushing ahead and the funding to truly push the tech, portable casinos may absolutely be on the front line of the computer generated simulation development in gaming especially on cell phones. The following stage will be to instruct the crowd on the entirety of the advantages of highest payout online casino that can accompany the change and how putting resources into VR can truly reinforce their gaming experience, just as the social advantages that might show up with a more perpetual shift into an augmented simulation gaming climate. VR is surely the fate of gaming, as this early hybrid could impact numerous stages to come.

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1. 7. 2021 bo Ministrstvo na svoji spletni strani objavilo  seznam prostih mest na posameznih šolah, kamor se ti kandidati lahko prijavijo.

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