Touch of Art


Št. projekta: 2023-1-SI01-KA122-SCH-000134632 /KA122-SCH-0093/2023

Trajanje projekta: 15 mesecev (1.6. 2023 – 31.8. 2024)

Področje: Splošno šolsko izobraževanje

Koda OID: E10078001

Secondary School of Design and Photography is one of very few educational institutions in Slovenia to provide secondary education in the field of art. Therefore, there is not enough opportunity for our teachers to exchange good practice experiences in our country. Apart from that in the Post-Covid era, we are experiencing a vast increase of various mental health issues and learning difficulties. We believe that we should implement more effective teaching methods in order to address the students’ strengths and different learning styles. Effective teaching strategies and use of technology to our advantage would not just lead to better learning outcomes but could raise our teachers’ motivation for professional development as well. We are aware that we need to cooperate with art schools in Europe if we wish to foster our students’ creativity and achieve better learning outcomes.

Our main goals are increased quality of teaching and learning and internationalization through cooperation with similar educational institution. Our teachers and students do participate in various projects, but nonetheless we need to stay in touch with the latest and innovative teaching methods, where we could benefit greatly from student and staff mobilities. Our educators are aware of the need for life-long professional development. Teachers wish to exchange good practices with their colleagues abroad especially in order to efficiently activate those students who are currently less motivated or suffer from one of numerous mental health issues or learning difficulties. In this year, we opened a tender for International Print Biennial aimed at secondary school students. Through this project, we wish to reconnect with the schools we have cooperated before and to start new collaborations. In the future, we would like to add other artistic techniques to the Biennial and hope to achieve this goal because of Erasmus+ partnership.

We will organize a group mobility of school pupils to our partner school in Spain. Our wish is to design the activities in such way to include them as far as possible in our regular curriculum of artistic subjects and foreign languages – English and Spanish, at first through online activities. The students participating in the group mobility will get the opportunity to get to know a different school system, another cultural and linguistic reality. The activities will blend the topic of cultural heritage with creativity and use of foreign languages.

Some teachers will take part in staff mobility – job shadowing, four others will take part in training courses (foreign languages, innovative teaching methods, special needs).

Expected intangible project result is new knowledge acquired by the participants. In the case of teachers, the acquired knowledge will be new or improved teaching methods and strategies, which will not be used only by the participants of the mobilities but by other staff members as well. We also expect the staff and students to achieve broader understanding of policies and systems in education across Europe, increased motivation, more positive attitude towards the European projects and EU values.

In the framework of students’ activities there will also be some tangible results – art works in different artistic techniques, among the intangible results on top of the before mentioned an expected result is also increased competence in foreign languages and greater understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe.